Mineral Wells is WELL represented on the regional, national AND global stages from ages eight all the way to forty two years old.
As a matter of fact, one of our twenty three year old students, James Gonzales, was ranked NUMBER FOUR in the WORLD in his weight class through IBJJF and NUMBER ONE through JJWL!
Our team isn't just James though.
We have some fantastic female competitors,
kids competitors and multiple, male champions in multiple weight classes!
In the 2022-2023 season, our team went 62-10 with 49 submissions!
Not only do we hold multiple gold medals in multiple organizations, our coach also continues to lead from the front and compete every chance he has alongside his students.
His LONG history of competing in
BJJ, professional Mixed Martial Arts and Nogi/submission only tournaments give our team a leg up in planning and training curriculum.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Mineral Wells is fairly new but, Heart and Dagger is setting the bar of excellence HIGH with cutting edge training systems and technical development.
We know you are going to love training and learning with us. Click the button below to try a free class and begin your Jiu-Jitsu journey.